Thursday 14 October 2010

Animations using different mediums

This animation is done using post it notes and a pen. It is one mans journey through his life which he is revisiting from looking at his old post-it notes and remaking them into an animation. The point of this is to show what big world events he didn’t take any notice of because of how involved he was with his own life. The actual drawings are very good and artistic and show movement well and I think it gets the message across very quickly of passing of time and important event s being missed. The way he draws shows imagination and creativity. I think it tells the story very well and must have used a lot of post-its! The actual animation must have taken a lot of planning and thought. It led me to look at his other animations where you can see he is very talented. The use of dates throughout the animation represents the passing of time and the way he uses post-it notes. I like how he can merge one into the next from words to an image.

This is a simple animation made using post-it notes. I like this method and should like to try it out.

This is another animation using post it notes. Instead of drawing on the and using them to animate they are used to make a picture. when each image is taken something changes on the post-it notes to create a series of images which in then make a video.

This in an animation of a structure being pushed down, it is like dominos

This is a drawn animation using a whiteboard and marker pens. I like how he alternates between being able to see him drawing and the drawings ‘drawing themselves’ it makes them look as though they are morphing on their own. He also uses a technique, which makes him look like he is drawing with his finger. This method tells a brilliant and abstract story which looks complicated and intricate. I assume a lot of planning went into this. He also uses props like pens and cloth in the actual film. He uses different colour pens, which I really like and although there doesn’t seem to be any meaning to what he is drawing the ideas flow very well from one to another There seems to be an ongoing theme of music and musical notes with creatures used throughout.

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