Thursday 7 October 2010

Examples of recent animations I like


Who I am and what I want
chris Shepherd and David Shrigley

Rotting artist

This is a stop motion animation which tells a story. The use of light is very clever as it shows the passing of time and how time is frozen. Light is also used to exaggerate areas of the film where she is supposed to be on a train they flash a light to represent passing lights. I like the way the props like the bed are used, where the pillows are used as clouds and stairs and the clothes are used to represent animals like birds and fish. I think the video goes very well with the song and it is supposed to represent dreaming. I like the way a story is told here it may be that she is dreaming of a man or sleepwalks but the clever use of props propels you into a new world. The storyboard shows how this was achieved. They took a huge amount of still photos which were then pieced together.

This is a stop motion film of a woman who took a photograph of her own face for 200 days. I really like this video as it shows progression and change. The way each photograph is different but her face remains in the same place I imagine she must have used a tripod.

using animation to tell a story.

This is a stop motion using a chalkboard, chalk and a camera. I like the theme of it and how it tells a story about autumn. The way you can see where the chalk has been is really interesting and it looks very well thought out. The part with the cat shows movement very well and reminds me a bit of the artist Blublu as it flows in a similar way and the way objects morph into other things. The method of ‘painting over’ is also very similar to Blublu and the movement of objects and the use of geometric shapes when the cloud is raining is also similar to his work. The growing tree that turns into a man is the part I like the best but the way it ends with the same scene as it starts is very aesthetically pleasing. The overall story I imagine is about children and the way they communicate/interact. It also shows childlike imagination in the way one idea flows into another and you have playground games such as Chinese whispers and the clapping game.

This animation is quite simple but very effective. A chalk half-pipe is drawn on the floor then images are takes of a skateboarder while posing on the floor. This is quite effective and shows movement quite well. This is similar to a lot of skateboarding animations I have seen like the stop motion ‘human skateboard’

This is a fairly simple way of using stop motion to tell a story. I like how it seems the artist interacts with the snowman as well as just drawing him. This chalkboard method is really nice as you can see where the last drawing was.

This is an interesting way of animating. Drawing over a picture. He uses thin and think pens and also sand. What he is drawing is actually quite abstract and doesn’t make a lot of sense. He has also edit this so it flashes new images making it quite difficult to follow.

This animation uses photographs to tell a story. It shows a boy growing up and how he got to be in the anniversary photograph. It very cleverly shows different stages of his life using photographs, which were positioned around what I’m assuming is his house. Thousands of photographs were taken to produce this, it is supposed to advertise a camera and I think it serves its purpose very well. I like the way in which the photographs progress from black to white representing a change in time. And how photographs are used to map out a route in which the boy then walks along. The camera positions are also very important in helping the film flow freely. I like the use of frames in this video showing he is travelling and the use o the balloon. The way the camera follows the photographs shows we are following his life and his journey.

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