Friday 10 September 2010

project proposal form

For my project I have decided to try and promote my local area using stop motion photography. I will experiment with different types of stop motion animation to create a final piece which is artistic and serves the purpose of showing off Bath. I will research different techniques of animating and look at artists and animators I like the style of. I also want to look at current advertisements of Bath as from what I have noticed the current adverts are quite boring and may not appeal to all audiences.

I am going to experiment with stop motion using photography. There are a lot of photographers I like and I want to try and find a way to incorporate this into my animation. Bath is a beautiful city which is brought to life in Photographs so I will look at photographers of Bath and other city's. I think the use of photography to advertise is very effective and I want to look at the techniques photographers use, for example David Hockney's 'joiners' collection is a good example of photo-montage. I will experiment with photo-montage trying to find places in Bath which are famous but also places which might not be as well known.

I particularly like the 'white board' method of stop motion animation, where a picture being drawn is photographed at different stages to make it look as though it is drawing itself. I like the way Dryden Goodwin animates his drawings so I am going to research him further. I also like the graffiti artist Blublu and would like to experiment with graffiti but don't think it would be the most effective method of advertising Bath. I will however look at some of his work to see if I could take any aspects of the artwork to benefit my own.

My idea's for my project are to find atmospheric areas of Bath and photograph them. I will them look at these and decide what could be done in which place. I would like to create a photo-montage of some places and attempt to animate people walking around in them. I will do this by taking photos of a location I like and then taking a series of images of people walking through. I could then use Photoshop to create the animation. I also want to hand draw some of the animation so I could get print-outs of each shot of the person walking then draw them then scan them back into Photoshop or photograph them to add to the final piece.

I think this idea is interesting as I haven't seen it done before. I will need to do a lot of research and test pieces to ensure nothing goes wrong. I hope to create a final piece which is entertaining and serves it's purpose effectively. I want the final outcome to successfully show areas of Bath in an artistic way.

For this project I will need a camera, tripod, editing software and possibly actors. I will need to plan each step effectively to ensure I don't run out of time. The first stage will be research, then I will do some test pieces, then compile my final piece.

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